I have so much on my mind right now! I wish I had more time/less work so I could really pour my thoughts out, but this shortie message will have to do...
1) Everyone has "issues" - call them what you will. It's true. If you think that your neighbor, coworker, lover, mother, etc, is in total happiness... utter bliss... blahblah... think again. I don't mean to say that they may not be happy, but I should emphasize that we all have challenges. C'est la vie, right? That's how it goes, and we all work with what we got. The truth is that we all face problems in our everyday lives. And you don't know what your neighbor, coworker, lover, mother is going through on any given day (well, hopefully your lover at least shares his/her perspectives with you).
2) On a related note, perception is reality, they say. And yes, while I advise people to recognize that it can be important to consider how others may perceive your behavior.... more importantly I just want to emphasize that your perception of things may be warped. What is reality? I'm not here to chat about that, but I am learning so much that what I might perceived is not how it really is... or is meant to be... ?? I am not typing logically and organized, but I hope I make some sense. It's hard to imagine walking around in anyone's shoes but your own. At the end of the day, there is so much I don't know.
3) I look forward to the day when I can come home and do NOTHING related to work. Hopefully within 5 years haha!